3 Things You Can Expect From Me When It Comes To Permanent Jewelry

I’ve been known to say this a time or two, but I believe permanent jewelry is here to stay…I truly do! It’s a memory maker. Wether you bring your bestie, mom or just decide to do something nice for yourself on your day off…Noooot to mention it’s also a little addicting. And it’s also the next best thing besides a tattoo! I mean, it’s permanent, but if you get tired of it…it “can” be removed.

Because I’m fully committed to this little business I’ve built and want to serve all of you in the best way possible. Here are 3 things you can expect from me when it comes to permanent jewelry and your experience with Savannah Laine & Co.

  1. I’m committed to bringing you the best gold filled, .925 sterling silver and solid gold chains available on the market. My chain sources are reputable and committed to providing top quality.

  2. I always, always, aways check to make sure each and every jump ring is welded properly before you hit the road and go on your way to show off your new permanent jewelry. I check each weld by puling on each side of the jump ring with my pliers to make sure it’s secure for you.

  3. I’m committed to growth in the permanent jewelry and jewelry industry by learning new skills and staying on tend with the latest styles. As well as dedicated to keeping up with customer growth. I have a permanent location I’m available on Saturdays by appointment and have many other locations you can find me throughout each month.

If you’re reading this, I want to personally thank you for being a part of the Savannah Laine & Co family. It means so much to me that you’re here. Please let me know how I can better serve you!

XO - Savvy

Savannah Patrone

Permanent jewelry artist, maker and creative.


Growing Little By Little


6 Way’s To Incorporate Permanent Jewelry Into Your Life.